Codemotion Warsaw Meetup no. 3 coming up!

We are happy to inform you that we are preparing a new meetup especially for you! This time you will hear about what testing is all about. But enough jibber jabber and let’s get to the meat!

Below you will find nothing more but hard facts. Read them, remember them and #letsmeet at Codemotion Meetup #3!




When:                21st July, Thursday, 7PM

Where:               Polidea office, Hoża 76/78 St., 4th floor

About what:     Testing


  • 1st slot: Tomasz Mnich(Polidea) – “Mobile testing challenges”
  • 2nd slot: TBA
  • 3rd slot: TBA

Another perks:

  • We have tickets to Codemotion Warsaw 2016 to win!
  • If you want to fill the agenda with your talk, let us know:


RSVP here and hurry up because number of tickets is limited!

Hope to see you there!

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